Certified Security Principes - CSP


The Certifed Security Principles, C)SP, course is going to prepare you for security across the entire environment including understanding risk management, identity and access control, network and data security. This is just a short list of everything that we cover within this course, which will include modern technologies like loT and cloud services.  This course is intended to prepare you to become a benefit to any company that is attempting to improve its security posture!


Module 1 - Intro to IT Security
Module 2 - Risk Management
Module 3 - Understanding of Cryptography
Module 4 - Understanding Identity and Access Management
Module 5 - Managing Data Security
Module 6 - Managing Network Security
Module 7 - Managing Server/Host Security
Module 8 - Application Security for Non ­Developers
Module 9 - Understanding Mobile Device Security
Module 10 - Managing Day to Day Security
Module 11 - Understanding Compliance and Auditing

Duur en vorm

5-day classroom course with exam and certification included.

Doelgroep en voorkennis

Who should attend

  • IT Professionals
  • Server Administrators
  • Virtualization and Cloud Administrators

Suggested Prerequisites

  • 12 Months of experience with server administration, Or
  • Mile2 C)SA1, C)SA2, C)HT, C)OST and C)NP, Or
  • Equivalent Knowledge

Geleerde skills

Upon completion, the Certified Security Principles candidate will not only be able to competently take the C)SP exam (Included) but will also understand the principle security knowledge to keep companies' IP and IT infrastructure safe.

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